Bexhill Talking
The Bexhill Talking Newspaper Association was founded in 1977 as a charity to provide news and information in audio form for the visually impaired of Bexhill-on-Sea or those with problems with reading for any other reason. All members work on an entirely voluntary basis and there are no paid employees of the Association, which is registered with the Charity Commission, registered number 272802.
There are six teams of four news readers who gather at the studio on a Friday morning rota to read selections from that week's Bexhill Observer, with one of six recorders manning the mixer panel. In addition there are four teams of four who produce the magazine section, an anthology of articles of interest taken from magazines and newpapers, by kind permission of the authors and publishers. Once the recording is complete it is transferred to the memory sticks and copied with our copying machines, before being despatched in zip fastened pouches to each of the listeners on the database.